Pasta modellante

Mold, sculpt, form and define

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3 fl oz / 94mL


94 mL.

Per tutti i tipi di capelli

  • Modella, scolpisci, dai forma e definisci
  • Finitura opaca con tenuta massima
  • Questa pasta unica a base di argilla offrirà un controllo completo e un potere di tenuta a qualsiasi look desiderato

Sapevi che…

  • La pasta modellante di LOMA è pensata per acconciature di lunghezza medio-corta.
  • La formula ad alta tenuta e finitura opaca della pasta modellante consente la massima versatilità durante lo styling.

    How to Use

    Applicare una quantità media di prodotto sui capelli umidi o asciutti per un controllo completo.

    Key Ingredients

    • Quinoa Protein

      Protein rich in amino acids to repair the cuticle layer and impart shine and moisture to the hair. Gluten free.

    • Tocopherols

      Sunflower based organic Vitamin E, rich in natural anti-oxidants for protection of the hair and skin.

    • Aloe Vera

      Has antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Also rich in vitamins and minerals leaving the hair and scalp healthy and hydrated.

    What's the Make Up?


      Caolino: aiuta a modellare, plasmare e definire lo stile.
      PVP — Fornisce la massima tenuta e lucentezza.
      Proteine della quinoa — Proteine senza glutine ricche di aminoacidi per riparare lo strato cuticolare e conferire lucentezza e idratazione ai capelli.
      Stearato di isodecile C-32-36 — Ingrediente privo di lanolina per caratteristiche di struttura e stampaggio.
      Tocoferolo — Vitamina E a base di girasole, ricca di antiossidanti naturali per la protezione dei capelli e della pelle.


      We source, formulate, manufacture, and fill all of our own products!

      LOMA products protect, repair and rebuild the internal structure of hair.

    Nature + Science

    Did You Know

    A key practice with LOMA formulation is in addressing the needs of the hair through chemistry. LOMA products protect, repair and rebuild the internal structure of hair. We innovated the use of aloe vera gel in the salon industry. We infuse water with concentrated organic aloe vera powder, which creates the #1 ingredient in our products.

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    Customer Reviews

    Based on 7 reviews
    Deanna Fox
    Love Loma

    We do love your product however there seems to be a problem with the dry shampoo they quit working after a couple of sprays. Can we fix this cuz we love the product?

    Shanon Barabash
    Love it

    Works good.

    Master Kenmar Inc. Franchise

    My team really Likes the forming paste !

    Dawn Edmondson

    Forming Paste

    katherine stuart swederski
    I liked it

    My hairdresser used it on me- told me to buy some - works better on wet hair he said, I like it very much!