Shampoo quotidiano

Purifying shampoo for everyday use

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Per tutti i tipi di capelli, in particolare da fini a normali

  • Sicuro per l'uso su capelli colorati
  • Brillante e districante
  • Protezione termica
  • Detergenza senza solfati, soia, glutine e parabeni
  • Naturalmente nutriente e purificante per capelli e cuoio capelluto sani
  • Migliora, protegge, ripristina e ripara il naturale equilibrio di idratazione dei capelli
  • La nostra soluzione più efficace per capelli e cuoio capelluto grassi; gli agrumi puliscono a fondo aggiungendo brillantezza e lucentezza

Sapevi che…

  • shampoo quotidiano e balsamo quotidiano LOMA sono i nostri shampoo e balsamo più detergenti, purificanti e volumizzanti.
  • L'uso di shampoo quotidiano e balsamo quotidiano aggiungerà corposità e volume ai capelli più fini, mantenendoli leggeri e maneggevoli.

How to Use

Applicare sui capelli umidi dalle radici alle punte, quindi risciacquare e poi applicare balsamo quotidiano.

Key Ingredients

  • Aloe Vera

    Has antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Also rich in vitamins and minerals leaving the hair and scalp healthy and hydrated.

  • Quinoa Protein

    Protein rich in amino acids to repair the cuticle layer and impart shine and moisture to the hair. Gluten free.

  • Safflower Oil

    Rich in natural Vitamin E, Omega-9, Oleic acid, which penetrate the hair to hydrate and moisturize.

What's the Make Up?


    Proteine della quinoa — Proteine senza glutine ricche di aminoacidi per riparare lo strato cuticolare e conferire lucentezza e idratazione ai capelli.


    We source, formulate, manufacture, and fill all of our own products!

    LOMA products protect, repair and rebuild the internal structure of hair.

Nature + Science

Did You Know

A key practice with LOMA formulation is in addressing the needs of the hair through chemistry. LOMA products protect, repair and rebuild the internal structure of hair. We innovated the use of aloe vera gel in the salon industry. We infuse water with concentrated organic aloe vera powder, which creates the #1 ingredient in our products.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 39 reviews

Daily Shampoo


I have very fine dry curly hair and this shampoo is very lightweight and doesn’t strip it. Also smells so good!


Great daily use shampoo. Hair feels healthy and soft with this shampoo and Loma moisturizing conditioner. Does not contain propylene glycol.

Mandy S
Best Shampoo for fine hair!

I love the Daily Shampoo from Loma. I have very fine hair and this is the only shampoo that does not weigh my hair down and make it greasy. Don't let the name fool you either, I never wash my hair daily! I can go 3-4 days between washes and my hair still looks great. This shampoo leaves my hair looking shiny, & healthy, keeps my scalp clean and smells great. I use with the leave in spray conditioner from Loma as well. LOVE!


Will never switch shampoo and conditioner. My hair has never been healthier than when I use LOMA. I will always rave about them.